Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lost Part Three

He coughed up sand.
His throat felt like sand paper. It was hard for him to breathe.
“Hey, someone help this kid out?” A man said.
“I’m not a kid. I’m 14” Axelle tried to say, but all it sounded like was stumbled on words.
A lady in her 20’s ran up to him and carried him away from the crowed for some fresh air.
“Can you breathe?” She asked firmly.
“Yes,” He said coughing.
”Good” She calmed down a bit.
“The name’s Emmet” She said holding out a hand for a shake.
Her hand was warm, and sweaty.
He let go and used his hands sit up properly.
He noticed he was between the wild oceans and the dark forest next to him.

Lost Part Two

His head was spinning .
He bushed his hand against his forehead collecting a couple of threads of hair,
Surprisingly soaked in blood. Her pulled his hair slowly, tightly, from top to bottom.
Two table spoons dripped off it.
His head had been bleeding, it took him a moment to realise he had a gash from the tip of his head, partly balancing by one centre meter of skin.
He tried to step up, but one of his legs were dead.
He managed to get up with his two arms and remaining leg.
He hopped over to a crowed of people. He nudged passed a few, till he was in sight of the main thing that had attracted everyone in the first place.
A couple of strong men were attempting to lift a large part of the plane jet off a passenger. It had cut deep into his legs. They sledged it out slowly, hoping not to dislocate anything.
The man screaming loudly in pain, from what Axelle could see.
Axelle suddenly lost the feeling in his other leg and collapsed to the ground, face plunged into the sand.
He turned himself around using both his hands, and rested on his back.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lost Part One

Axelle looked around him.
The heavy wind mixed with the hot sand that was piled layer after layer on the beach. The bitter smell of sea water and dead fish mixed together was a turn off.
Where am I? He thought.
Other people were around him… screaming, crying.
He looked over at something that seemed like a body. Crushed by a jet off the plane. The plane had crashed, and by the looks of it, it had fallen to pieces as it fell.
People were stumbling out of the water. Some were crawling.
He saw an old in-her-50’s woman carrying a young boy in her arms. “Anyone here a doctor?” He yelled panicking.
A man a few meters away ran up to her and took the boy the boy out of her arms.
“I’ll take it from here” He said to the woman, placing the boy to the ground and beginning C.P.R.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What happends when i search random things on google... Peicings :)

This is one of the coolest peicings around!
Comment, see what you think.
I want to get the two ones under his bottom lip.
And maybe the one in his ear.
Any one to comment i'll comment back! (On your blog, not mine) :]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Deon removed the blade from his back pocket.
"I've had enough, Kenty" He said softly. He gripped onto the handle in his left hand tightly, and held it close to his side.
"Deon, you don't have to do this," I said to him.
"They wouldn't care" He answered.
I could hear the sirens from the police cars over a hundred meters below us.
The wind was changing directions quickly, over and over again.
Deon got closer to the edge of the roof.
"Deon, drop the knife" I said strongly.
Deon didn't answer, i new he heard me... i could see him thinking hard about it.
He dropped the knife from his finger tips and to the ground.
He looked over the edge, like he'd redconsidered not killing himself again.
"Don't, Deon" I said with a hard face."Don't Jump"
He wouldn't listen anymore, he'd given up.
He climbed to the edge a little more, placing his feet only a couple of centremetres away from the tin air.
You know when you're in a hell of a shock, and like, you see your whole life flash infront of you? That was starting to happen.
I remembered when me and Deon were young, for our birthday we would always get the same present, i'd get the green one, he'd get the red one. That's what happends when you are twins, right?
Our mum left us when we were 5. We never new why. And our dad, let's just say he wasn't much of one.
All those things you thought you woundn't remember were in my head.
I didn't know what he would do...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oli Skies

Oli Skies from Bring Me The Horizon

Oli Skies - lead singer from Bring me the Horizon.
Full Name: Oliver Sykes
Nickname/s: Oli, Syke-o
Date Of Birth: November 20, 1990
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Journal: sillysillyoli
AIM SN: oh god oli
Disorder: Dysthymic Disorder, Alcohol Dependance
Brief History: Oliver was born in Sheffield, England. As he grew older, around the age of fifteen, he had developed Dysthymic Disorder, a severe depression disorder. Nothing in life could satisfy him anymore, everything was horrible and sad. He couldn’t see a positive side in anything anymore- not until he had found his best friend. Alcohol. Oli drank alcohol so much that it was the only thing that showed him happiness in such a long time, and he wasn’t due to give a long-missed happiness up. It was then he grew his alcohol dependence, unable to go a night without it.
Short Biography: Around 6’ with a strong British accent, Oli has hazel eyes and brown hair, a lipring that he claims is ‘new’ so that he doesn’t have to remove it, and tattoos all over his body. He is usually in a anti-social mood, though he tries to be nice just to get out of Royal Park.
Anything Else Important We Should Know:Oliver has gone through multiple blackouts from his excessive drinking, and has gone through alcohol poisoning twice. He has his permit removed for DUI, and is not allowed to receive a licence unless certified by Royal Park that he isn’t a hazard. He is, as well, one of the 5% of people who experience severe complications of withdrawal (delirium, seizures), which is why he is here as opposed to a rehab.

Bullet for my Valentine

Bullet for my Valentine used to be called Jeff Killed John in 1982.
Their music was rock/alteritive. Now as BFMV it is Metal/Hevy Metal.
My favourite song from them is Watching us die tonight. That's in their latest album, before that one came out, my favourite was Room409, the only real heavy metal song they had then. I have lots of favourites, all of them:) only one i didn't really like and that was called .... i dont remember. :D:D