Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lost Part One

Axelle looked around him.
The heavy wind mixed with the hot sand that was piled layer after layer on the beach. The bitter smell of sea water and dead fish mixed together was a turn off.
Where am I? He thought.
Other people were around him… screaming, crying.
He looked over at something that seemed like a body. Crushed by a jet off the plane. The plane had crashed, and by the looks of it, it had fallen to pieces as it fell.
People were stumbling out of the water. Some were crawling.
He saw an old in-her-50’s woman carrying a young boy in her arms. “Anyone here a doctor?” He yelled panicking.
A man a few meters away ran up to her and took the boy the boy out of her arms.
“I’ll take it from here” He said to the woman, placing the boy to the ground and beginning C.P.R.

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