Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oli Skies from Bring Me The Horizon

Oli Skies - lead singer from Bring me the Horizon.
Full Name: Oliver Sykes
Nickname/s: Oli, Syke-o
Date Of Birth: November 20, 1990
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Journal: sillysillyoli
AIM SN: oh god oli
Disorder: Dysthymic Disorder, Alcohol Dependance
Brief History: Oliver was born in Sheffield, England. As he grew older, around the age of fifteen, he had developed Dysthymic Disorder, a severe depression disorder. Nothing in life could satisfy him anymore, everything was horrible and sad. He couldn’t see a positive side in anything anymore- not until he had found his best friend. Alcohol. Oli drank alcohol so much that it was the only thing that showed him happiness in such a long time, and he wasn’t due to give a long-missed happiness up. It was then he grew his alcohol dependence, unable to go a night without it.
Short Biography: Around 6’ with a strong British accent, Oli has hazel eyes and brown hair, a lipring that he claims is ‘new’ so that he doesn’t have to remove it, and tattoos all over his body. He is usually in a anti-social mood, though he tries to be nice just to get out of Royal Park.
Anything Else Important We Should Know:Oliver has gone through multiple blackouts from his excessive drinking, and has gone through alcohol poisoning twice. He has his permit removed for DUI, and is not allowed to receive a licence unless certified by Royal Park that he isn’t a hazard. He is, as well, one of the 5% of people who experience severe complications of withdrawal (delirium, seizures), which is why he is here as opposed to a rehab.

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